
Transforming Hotel Software Solutions

Prologic First is enthusiastic about its rapid growth and committed to expanding software solutions for hospitality, aiming for excellence.
Words by HT Bureau

Prologic First has positioned itself as a frontrunner in hotel management software solutions, serving more than 2,500 clients spanning across over 40 countries. Its dedication to delivering superior services is evident in its widespread presence and ongoing efforts to elevate customer experiences on a global scale. “As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our offerings, we are continuously working to expand our portfolio and bring more hotels into our network. Our roadmap involves strategic collaborations with establishments that align with our values and standards. By forging relationships with new partners, we aim to enrich the experiences of our customers and extend our reach to more destinations,” said Amit Sharda, COO, Prologic First. Highlighting the brand’s focus in India, Sharda underscores their primary emphasis on 3 to 5-star hotels. However, he emphasises that the versatility of their cloud solutions enables them to cater to a diverse spectrum of hotels, including budget, economy, city, and luxury establishments. With an inclusive approach, Prologic First extends its services to every type of hotel, leveraging the diverse solutions their cloud platform offers for each category. The brand has garnered enthusiastic reviews from customers for its Hotel Guest Service Management Software, @yourWISH. This innovative and multifunctional technology solution plays a vital role in enhancing guest satisfaction. Specifically designed to manage guest requests and incidents, it tracks down each call from initiation to closure. A notable demonstration of the technology embedded in this application is the recent introduction of ChatBOT and the Guest Facing Web APP.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our offerings, we are continuously working to bring more hotels into our network.”

Amit Sharda COO Prologic First